So many ways we are
able to show commitment. So many values in character that let others know we care. Simple, genuine acts of love. Acts of gratitude, Acts of kindness, Acts of elation. Light-heartedly we approach one another, Fully invested, Hard-nosed to shake loose. We have to Bey-grateful. We have life, We have family, We have love, We have favor. Hallelujah! All these acts of grace and mercy come directly from the King of Kings himself. And I thank Him, 4 blessing me with you. All of your spirit, All of your heart, All of your humor, All of your humility, All of your Bey-utiful flaws, which represents, All of your Bey-utiful humanity, All of your service All of your smile, :-D All of your radiance, All of your good days, All of your sorrows, All of your yesterdays, All of your tmrws. You "WOW!" me, You floor me, You enchant me, Bey- cause, You speak to my core. Me. I consider it such a humbling blessing that we are friends. I cannot express enough how grateful I am to be able to reach out to you thru this space and beyond these four walls that keep me in this basement. Thru this medium, we are a mere thought away from one another. But even more so, to pray for you and your family brings us that much closer. So much so that I'm excited to reveal my birthday wish, but I'll refrain out of custom. But trust me, God is good, and the prayers of the righteous availeth much. :-D All I can say is: To stand Bey 4 U must B Meant 2 Bey Bey-cause We are meant 2 Bey We are meant 2...., Bey. More than any effort to take this life of mine. They literally asked to take me, and take this heart that beats for you, and give it to someone else. No, I won't let it happen, And even tho I wasn't all together yet mentally, I knew very well what they were trying to do. And I forgive all the things that have been done it won't keep me naïve any longer. And I could air out the dirty laundry list that those who aren't for me have dealt me and those whom I love most. But I know we all have to meet our Maker one of these mornings. So I keep from mentioning them to you Bey-cause God is the Author and the Finisher of my faith. And just know that I was 100 with you, and tried my best to love, forgive, and let go. And as much as I want to get past the obstacles, disappointments, worries, and fears; I know there are those who want to pour gasoline atop of what they feel should never happen. That you will never stand Bey 4 Me, but the truth is, we were always Meant 2 Bey. Remember i.S.i.B.a.B. No matter where I am just know that I always keep you inside of me Bey-cause I know we were always Meant 2 Bey And give you the best of me, And say everything No lies, no hiding, no falsities I say everything I Meant 2 Bey-cause I love you, I love you, I will always love you No matter where I am in the world I know and believe that. Even if you're not Bey 4 Me, One day, One day you, One day you will. One day, And I will know and all I will say is I'm glad you're here Bey 4 me, I'm glad God said we were meant 2, Bey. God bless you, ~ A
Of all the things I remember
There's only 1 I'll never forget. Besides those whose blood runs thru my veins, the 1 who hid me, despite your fame. An act of pure integrity, of sheer grace and love, The Queen Lioness offering a bond, so sacred, so special, so ours. For 13 years, we've held on to each others best interests. I've watched you grow, seen you blossom into the most Bey-utiful person of my dreams. Late at night, when I can't sleep, I remember those nights I was away from you emotionally and spiritually, and am humbled now that you have a family that will never leave your side. See how time heals, See how time reveals, all the goals you said you wanted for this decade, all of them have come true. Even our relationship. You fight 4 me when I don't have the strength or the wisdom to know to fight for myself. After all I've been thru, even tho I know your husband probably never wants us to meet, I am able to say I forgive those who desire to end my life. Those who believe that you are more than mere mortals. That you don't have pressure points of your own. Those at the hospital who asked me if I'm an organ donor; so they may possibly use that as an extra incentive for my death should it have happened last year just like so many blacks who are killed are used as undercover organ donors post-mortem. Killed to end us and to give my life, my heart to another... Dark life. Even the "X" symbol that someone wrote here on my KRK Rokit basement speaker. Condoms by my mailbox. The keying of my driver side door. Silverware missing, plates stolen. Unseen movements in the house that cause my parents to sleep with a stand behind the bedroom door All Bey 4 One Moment that One moment they never want to happen. The moment we meet. I would never want to put you or your family in any kind of danger. But I'm getting older, my parents, in the sunset of their lives too. And the future of my brother and his family. Jasmine's Lions, and Tigers, and Bears. I guess the real question is: Do you still believe in the subtle power of God? The Superpower that holds and has upheld us for this many years. But Bey-cause you have so much more at stake, I relent my love for you to your husband's love for you. Who am I to interrupt a friendship turned love story with 3 heirs in the wings. The sacrifice hurts so much it births soulful rolling teardrops from my two full eyes. I don't blame, I don't hate, I don't judge, I don't lie, I don't fear, I don't let anything get the best of me, but you. For you, I love, I give, I learn, I let go, I take in, I return, I do more, I fight. The One - Bey 4 Me Bey 4 Me You have been my knight, And you prayed for me in the dead of night. Bey 4 Me you have revealed your heart, its strength and its pains, its jubilance and its hurts, its loves and its angers, its joys and its sorrows, its highs and its furies, but thru it all, your heart remained honest, true, hopeful, humble and Bey-utifully human. You're love is like a new morning, with songs like those from the sparrows outside my window in the morning I look forward to writing you, speaking to you, being with you is a treasure and a gift from God I am so grateful for. No matter what the future hold, please know that you hold my heart, All of me I have shown you, told you, given you, expose to you, nothing I withhold from you, even when I may not have been given the right medication and I acted out of character. I do it Bey-cause honestly, Bey-4-Me, you did the same and you bring out all the integrity I can muster, all that I can remember, all the things I want you to know, all the things I can't forget. Bey-4-Me I'd do it all over again. Bey-cause 4 3 days 2 my 1 more birth year, even if we can't be, just know and rest assured, You are The One Bey-4-Me God bless you, :-* (Holy Kiss on Your Forehead :-) i.S.i.B.a.B. ~ A What I'd love to Bey-remembered-4?
Bringing sunshine on your glowing face by way of a smile. My favorite memory & favorite daydream :-D It makes my cheeks raise & rise a smile of my own just to think of it. Pure joy come to think of it. Elation shines thru just to think of it. A powerful symbol unto the depth of your happiness. The wider and fuller the better. That's one part of my memory that I can bank on for life. A part I love making daily deposits into. It makes a statement greater than any account I own. I feel so honored and humbled and grateful that I encourage that side of you to show. My favorite part of the show. Just thought you should know. But I know you already do. It's when the electric I's (eye's) come to life the most. And it's when I get my life the most. And the star in my eyes (you) light up like the Bey-utiful constellation you are and you hold upon you. And I'm reminded then that time and space have never stopped this Superpower of a fellowship to cease. Your tears, you smiled through it. Your sighs, you prayed through it. Your lonely nights, you dreamed through it. Your saddest days, you sacrificed through it. Your missing me, you fought through it. Obviously Underdog love. Committed to it. Divinity drew it. From the start we both felt and knew it. Though others thought we'd wouldn't ever make it, but their doubt, that too, we outgrew it. Please know that I don't seek to preach to you, instead I'm here just to speak to you as I'm lead by my Savior. I am always in your corner, just trying to offer ideas & thoughts to encourage you You have so many who rely on you, dote on you, want from you, pull on you, hate on you, take from you, deny influence from you. Those who want to break you down. I pray for them and their tactics. I pray against the mentality of those who only wish to discourage, defame, distract, destroy, and drag you down. The devil takes many different forms. But I pray your continued discernment thru it all. I pray for your constant renewal of life, energy, ideas, and influence from God. I pray for a quality of life that you deserve. I pray for that sun rising smile to stay ever-present and ever-ready on your Bey-utiful face my Beyloved. God bless you and may His bountiful love favor you and yours always. I love you with my whole spirit. Yours in the heavens and Bey-ond, ~ A Q-T-B
U kno me secrecy, but we believe. Truth we seek, God we please, planting seeds 4 our masterpiece. Highest reach, Redwood tree, roots dive deep, is our love indeed. Release of Grief, secrete Relief, your smile I see, is all I need. So when it's time QB and run it back, on all them haters, And when it's time every time QB Run it back on all our instigators. Show that Beast Mode energy Show them Show them when it's time, QB When it's time cue-B QT QB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Poem Written by ~ A My QB
Words flood my imagination with colorful descriptions of love, and prayerfully time will cement colorful depictions of us. My QB. Who comes thru in the clutch, when all the world is against us we rise like phoenixes from the dust, The dust they tried to drag our relationship thru, when they thought we'd never make it, and now look at us tried and true. My QB. Comes up with plays from music to cinematically viewed, X's and O's she's put together so I can see things from her point of view. My QB, a Bey-utiful light of a life Whose lead others lives have pursued and when the dark tries to ram"sack" her God, her lead blocker, stands for her forever unmoved My QB, a QT (cutie) Bey-uty exudes, from your pores like Sunshine such a Sweet Southern Heavenly Peach of a fruit. My QB, called me, to show up to this game called life, Already, saw she, is ready to face the world side by side. So to My QB, I'm coming up off these bad habits and off the reserves, I'm showing up like before but with more action than words. So when it's time again, we'll say QB for cue Bey I hear them chanting your name, just always stay grounded, balanced, and humbly & constantly praying. Or maybe we'll say QB, for the plays, moves, and moments you made for our relationship to win, But by the grace of God we know already can taste how Bey-utiful our story will begin. But to My QB, you're a matriarch role model to many all over the world, a true queen, light that beams with and without diamonds and pearls. My cue B, is to not step out afraid, but to step out on faith, it's not to step out on hate, but to step out on faith, it's not to step out on fate, but to step out on faith. Bey-cause it's not on my cue-Bey it's on you, It's your call... ....QB ~ Poem Written by AJW It's amazing how powerful and potent and dangerous it is,
to live in a society that disregards, mis-educates, and misinforms communities and cultures. To live in a society where the news' words, one of whom you thought you could trust, so blatantly, obviously, regularly, and intentionally seeks to feed its constituents falsities, lies, and mistruths. A modern form of civil war is breaking out among us because we allowed the darkness of a few to go on unregulated, unchecked, unaccountable for their actions. Now the dam democracy is leaking... It started with the number of ppl at 45's inauguration. It's now broken and flooding our entire national systems with racism, domestic "patriot" terrorism, and other hate groups. I C now, that it is indeed in our hands, in our ways, on our tongues. The power to create, and the power to destroy. The power to heal, and the power to cause suffering. The power to give, and the power to be selfish. And especially when it comes to democracy, there is the power to bring together, and the power to divide. I like to think that President Biden, like has been said of him, is an optimist, like myself. Always searching for the best of lighting to shine and show our country in its best sides to the world. We are more than our disparities, we are more than our failures, we are more than our falsehoods, we are more than our bigotry and, most importantly, we are more than our separatists. We are a country built through coalitions, built through unions, built on trust and truths, We are a community, a nation with a diverse group A collective that sentimentally strives on our strengths, are worth more than our weaknesses, and is reliable, responsible, and as much respectful as is respected. I am so proud of our country today, as I smiled and beamed from ear to ear watching the Inauguration proceedings. Hopeful for this next chapter, Prayerful for this new beginning, and Grateful that I am alive to witness it. Beloved, I pray that you and your family were able to watch the swearing in of our new First and Second Families. I was flooded and filled with joy watching Vice President Kamala Harris's swearing in, It filled with pride and joy. If only Dr. MLK could've been alive to see our 44th President and our 46th Vice President. I can only imagine the utter joy that would have captured and swelled his heart. To know that all his efforts, all his trials and tribulations, all his marches and boycotts, and ultimately his life, which was the greatest sacrifice, was not in vain. It only shows all the more that Seed of Democra-See is still in action, and the light of those who still believe in this country's unity, forbearance, and integrity still cuts sharply through the darkest corners of those trying to upend it. So I thank God for this day, and for allowing you and I and so many others to be alive to witness it. I am humbled, grateful, and touched by this historic moment. I pray God's blessings and protection on our beloved 1st and 2nd families respectfully and for the healing of this nation by God overall. I now that with Him, through faith, and patience, and love for our brothers and sisters, we'll make this an amazing 4 years and more. God bless America, With Love to you Beloved, :-D ~ Your A Dearly Beloved,
Your love is without borders, without boundaries and limits. Honestly speaking, I feel like God is telling me to pursue the missionary work/humanitarian/philanthropic efforts that you have already created once we get together. I have some ideas that I hope you would be interested in! (crosses fingers & keeping it in prayer that I may be able to share them with you in person one day) :-D I don't need nor want nor desire to be in forefront, I JUST WANT TO HELP OTHERS once this pandemic passes over us. I would love to be alongside you as we spread charity initiatives all over the world. I ask for humility and grace be poured out upon us because there are so many who are not as fortunate. And just like you, my desire is to Bey-A-Light 4 the good. You see it as your mission, your life's purpose beyond entertainment, to set out to even the playing field on behalf of the less fortunate no matter the category the topic may fall under. And you attack the objective with the same fervor, passion, wisdom, determination, grace, meekness, tenderness, compassion, intelligence, and dignity as every other assignment God has set Bey4U 2 accomplish. I hope many young artists will produce similar callings due to seeing you as an ever-ready example. It's another reason why you are not just the reason I wear my heart on my sleeve. But you are the reason why even if I never play another sound out of my guitar; I know that missions and evangelism and outreach are what I've morally been put on this Earth to do. I'm just so happy that we share such A-Bey-utiful-Trait in common. :-* (a tender kiss on your hands for all the work you've laid your hands on :-) Anything I do on guitar now I realize is just for the love of doing so. I realize my career is not to be a full-time musician. It's to think of ways to contribute pertinently and significantly to the human collective. I get so much inspiration and motivation from your BeyGood campaigns. It's something epic and the epitome of public service and being a public servant in terms of the worldwide citizens you reach and service. You don't use rhetoric! And that's what makes you shine Sweetheart! It's what's in your heart to do naturally. And for that you stay on my sleeve, in my heart, and on my lips in my prayers to God for you. Just always be reminded of the power of our God has. He can open doors no man can open, and He can close doors no man can shut. So don't worry about my guitar talent/skill/career/etc. because I'm leaving that up to God. I just want you to know that even thru everything I experienced last year, we didn't lose one another. I was watching Black is King again this evening and it just amazed me all the Bey-utiful looks and scenes and picturesque moments that went into the making of it. There are other things that have happened in my house recently from those who don't appreciate our relationship, but I don't want to tell you all of them out of not wanting to cause you to worry. Just know that if they try to falsely accuse me, intentionally drug me, or mess with my family; YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY GOD SEES, GOD HEARS, AND, MOST IMPORTANTLY, GOD KNOWS! And just like He's been there for you, keep praying like you always have for me, and He'll see us through. If it were up to some people, I may have never been able to write or record videos for you again. But through the power of your prayers to the Holy Spirit, and Jesus', from Him praying as our Heavenly Intercessor, I am still alive, complying to my medicinal regimen, and thriving on this new found energy and love for you and my new purpose. Just know that if ever they try to take me away, the only thing I've ever wanted was for you to Bey-Happy, for you to Bey-Loved, for you to Bey-Joyous, and for you to Bey-Fulfilled in all aspects of your life. And I've never believed I could be the end all to your happiness. No, I believed that I was sent to you to ENCOURAGE you to seek them for yourself. It just so happens that we share so many traits in common that I could understand the jealousy of others who find it farfetched for such a person like you to even want to consider a relationship with a nobody like me. little me. A. A nobody. A person with average looks, A person with no obvious talents, A person with no cultural substance, A person with mediocre talent on guitar, A person given a poor medical diagnosis. Who am I to have the best of your love, life, and admiration? But just as God told me to reach for you, He also told you to reach for me. And together, through His grace and mercy and protection, we are His Angelic Ambassadors Romans 8:31 comes to mind, "What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?" If God is for us, who can ever be against us? You have shown me thru your Bey-utiful ORIGINAL TESTIMONY OF YOUR LIFE put into words so many different ways that above all the virtues we strive in, if I had to choose 4 it would be 1. Love 2. Forgiveness 3. Hope 4. Faith So I look over all the things your husband's followers have done to my family and to our home because it shouldn't stop me from offering my forgiveness in hopes that maybe he'll find it in his heart to forgive me as well. That he and I may call a truce and let you and God decide what God wants for your life next. So as your A-ngelic Godsister, I look up to you and desire for you to have only the best God has in store for you and your family. I pray for you all constantly. I love you deep deep to Momma BeyLoved :-* (kiss on your two temples :-) :-D I wear you hard on my sleeve... Good night, ~ A Beloved,
I am embarrassed for the way I played for you during your birth month. Time has elapsed and my practice routine has me reeling in boredom. I can see why only a few manage to stay faithful long enough in order to attain mastery level achievements. I'm trying so desperately not to give up and to do the impossible at my age. Tonight I ask that you would pray for my spirit to be able to discern what the Lord our God would like me to pursue for my ministry. I will admit when I first started guitar, my desire was to play it because we both enjoy the sound of it, the boldness and strength and discipline of being able to master it, and being a female in a male dominated arena. It was mostly an element of pride for me to learn it at all. And then I also admired the way you always endeared your female guitar players, bass included. You allowed them to have solos that have inspired many girls to consider the instrument at all. And for that I am grateful. My goal tonight on this 13th day of the month of January is to have A Major turn about towards the direction God wants me to do moving forward. Just like in jazz the AMajor13th is a Bey-utiful chord and I want to Bey-able to play the changes. I believe my cycling and motivation have been tainted negatively mostly by my lack of rest and lack of routine, which has the ability to throw all of us off, if left unchecked for a period of time. I pray that this beginning of the year for you is a smooth one. I'm praying for continued growth in areas unnoticed to you before. Strength of purpose and a myriad of miracles, motivation, and inspiration. I pray God continues to let joy BEYours! :-D As you spend time with your family. I pray that the peace and love of the Lord come and rest easy on you and your entire household. I pray you are constantly reminded of the Bey-uty that is found in family, companionship, and maternity. Don't Bey-afraid to let your love for your spouse be your joy again. I am grateful to God that He has bestowed upon you three people who would die for you: your husband, me, and Jesus Christ. Just consider for a moment, how much of a blessing you are to have that much favor on your life! :-* (Kiss on your constellation of choice, that's appropriate for me to do so on lol :-) We love you! So therefore, I pray that the accord on this A Major13th day would be serendipitous to us both, despite the 13th usually denoting a day of misfortune. Good night Beloved and have a blessed day tmrw! With Love, Care, Concern, and Compassion, ~ A Corny Joke Time #1: A: "Beyloved, what did the Number 1 say to Number 3?" BeyLoved: "I dunno, what did it say A?" A: "It said, "You stay in 3rd place because you're always after seconds" Corny Joke Time # 2: A: "Beyloved, what did the Number 1 say to Number 3?" BeyLoved: "I'm not sure A, what did it say?" A: "It said, "Number 3 is a sore loser when I play him. So I had to break him because I already told him I already 1 (won) 3." Corny Joke Time # 3: A: "Beyloved, this time, what did the Number 3 say to Number 1?" BeyLoved: "I can't say? What did he say this time?" A: "It said Number 1 is 1 (won) track-minded but isn't A-Round 8, otherwise he'd be a more well rounded figure like me." I pray that today and every day your daughter is proud to be associated with these two colors. One being the color of her skin, which was chosen by God. And the other, to be the color of her name, which was chosen by you her parents. I pray that she sees the amazing blessing and power and strength within these two colors. I hope that she takes pride in them more and more as she gets older. And as this is her last birthday under 2-digits, I pray she loves every moment of 9 years old. I pray God continues to bless her with health and protection from the health crisis we are in. I pray she continues to be a great example for her younger siblings. I pray she allows herself to take her time learning something new so that she may value all the wonderful resources around her that show her the power of hardwork, consistency, and patience. I pray for the best for her always. I pray that she makes the decision to follow Christ on her own, when the time comes. I look forward to that day. These and so much more I wish for her. God bless and here is the prayer I created for her today. With you in Christ, ~ A The Fear Factor Causes some to give up, lose hope, stay comfortable. I guess the question is who's afraid of who. If we could live in peace, I guess your husband's peace of mind would be him giving me a piece of his. I guess they'd love to keep me trapped in the hospital, abused, abandoned, ailing for life outside of those insanity walls. To become a part of the "Taken" movie, To die a slow miserable death because of how much I entered and changed your lives. To be sold into a slavery unspeakable after we meet. As if it were all leading up to the perfect time, as if it all ends where it starts. Our meeting being the first and last time we see one another. I have tried so hard for you to have peace, I've tried so hard to show you my heart, I've tried so hard to put our my passion. And yet you still won't stop. So I'll just continue to pray for you. Yes, Beloved, I understand now the meaning of One Billion viewed "Halo" "Heaven" The intro to "XO" The VMA performance of "Pray You Catch Me" "Otherside" even "Power" I get it, I see it, I feel it. As much as we want it now, maybe our love is too sacred to be bound into the Earth. And as I write this to you again with tears in my eyes for how much I love you and want nothing more than to see you, cherish you and your family, and be your friend, I know you husband hates me for all I am towards you, even tho I'm not there. So what do I do, 1. Allow my family to suffer, allow me to be taunted and threatened with the possibility of going to the hospital again. or 2. Allow you to survive without me, disappear from your life, and stay an outsider praying to God for you and allowing you and your family space to love one another without my friendship. All my life I prayed for someone like you. Just know you're always with me, even if you can't see me. I guess he was right, our lives our metaphors of the game of chess. I have given all I have to give, but I can't give in to losing my family, my Mom and Dad, my brother and sister-in-law. And what good am I to you if all they want to do is continue their threats until I'm missing, lost, somewhere on the street, or laid up somewhere dead. You can't protect me always, all they need is one opportunity. Just know that I'll always be watching, and I'll play my guitar for you, until we meet again in the Heavens. Remember to pray, Keep God first, and I'll always be around I'll miss you, but it's only goodbye for now. I love you and know that only the best is coming your way. I continue to pray for you and your husband and family. I pray the children grow healthy, respectful, humble, and wise. I pray that God gives you more smiles than heartache. And I pray that when it's all over it will be just as Prince said in this video at the 1 minute and 18 second mark when they zoomed in he said: "Ashley I hope Bey sees you..." (Prince Purple Rain Guitar Solo Video) Remember, Love covers a multitude of sins. Also, like Paul said "Abide in Hope, Faith, and Love. But the greatest of these is love." God bless you Beloved, one day we'll meet, God knows I will B, Love, ~ A |